It comes with various names such as Playpen, Playard or Travel Cot. The Playpen is one of the items that parents will look into when looking for baby products for their newborn baby. It is also named a travel cot as this item is suitable for travelling purposes, it then also can be used as a playard to keep the children away from danger. A playpen will have to meet the safety standards in most developed countries before it is available in the market.

Playpen or Travel Cot

Is Playpen good for babies?

Playpen or travel cot is suitable for newborn babies to sleep. Many reports suggested that this item is suitable for babies to sleep on at night for long durations.

Do I need a playpen for my baby?

It is very subjective from person to person. Some parents who travel a lot will like this item because they can pack the Playpen and travel. Some parents bought a playpen as the second cot for their baby because they need a baby to sleep in when they are downstairs in a double-storey house. Some bought it as a second baby bed to place it at the babysitter’s house. 

What is the available playpen size in the market?

  • 26″x 38″ / 66cm x 96cm (L x W)
  • 28″ x 41″ / 71cm x 104cm(L x W)

There are various sizes of Playpen in the market. The most common size is 26″ x 38″ (Small) or 28″ x 41″ (Big). It is also recommended for you to check with the retail shop whether how easy to get the playpen mattress for the Playpen you are buying. 

How many levels are there in a playpen?

Most Playpen comes with two levels: bassinet Level and Playpen Level. Generally, the bassinet level has a weight limit of 7kg (approximately 6-7 months baby), and Playpen level has a weight limit of 15kg (Approximately 3 Years). It is recommended to refer to the user manual for the details of the usage and weight limit. 

Do all Playpen come with a nappy changer?

No, it is recommended that you re-check on this. Some do, and some do not. It is recommended that you check with the retailer on the changer before you purchase the Playpen. For some Playpen, you can purchase the changer separately and some cannot.

Do all Playpen come with Mosquito Net?

No. only selected Playpen will include this item in their package. Again, some mosquito net is sold separately, and it is recommended to check with the retail shop on this.

What is the difference between baby cot and Playpen?

This is among most frequently asked questions we faced everyday. Let’s look at the features and the usability of both products:-

  • Recommended Usage and Weight Limits
  • Portability
  • Adjustable Height Level for base
  • Adjustable Bedrail
  • Castor
  • Mattress

1. Recommended Usage and Weight Limits

Playpen generally is suitable from birth up to 15kg usage only. (Approximately 3 years old). As for Baby Cot, the usage is longer as normally up to 2-kg or 25kg (Approximately 5 to 6 years old)

2. Portability

Playpen is design for portability, they have other name which is called travel cot. Baby Cot is not travel friendly. 

3. Adjustable Height Level for base

Playpen generally comes with 2 adjustable height level: bassinet level and playpen level. Bassinet level is usually up to 6-7kg usage and playpen level is up to 15kg usage. As for Baby Cot, some comes with 2 level or more. Parents can adjust the level base on the height and development of the baby.

4. Adjustable Bedrail

Most Playpen in the market does not come with this feature. In the contrary, most Baby Cot will have one adjustable bedrail. However, it is recommended to check before purchasing.

5. Castor / Wheel

Playpen generally will equipped with 2 castors for strolling the playpen around the house. For Baby Cot, some are design without the castor and some are equipped with 4 castor for relocation around the house.

6. Mattress

Playpen comes with one side which is padded. Most parents will buy additional mattress for more comfort if they plan to put their child over night on the Playpen. You will definitely need playpen mattress to be place for more comfort.

Both Playpen and Baby Cot have their advantages and limitations. You are advised to understand what you need and your travel lifestyle before choosing which is more suitable for you and the baby.

Is playpen or Baby Cot better for breastfeeding Mom?

If you purchase a convertible baby cot that can convert to bedside bed, we recommend buying the cot compared to the Playpen for the breastfeeding mom. Baby Cot can convert to bedside cot is very convenience for a breastfeeding mom. You will not need to wake up and carry the baby from the Playpen to breastfeed them at night. 

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Crolla Ally Playpen TIFFANY BLUE
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