Bumble Bee: Parts for Bumble Bee Auto-Close Safety Gate


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Bumble Bee Parts for Auto-Close Gate

a. Safety Gate Extension Stabiliser 15cm / 25cm

Bumble Bee Parts for Auto-Close Gate Bumble Bee Parts for Auto-Close Gate

This parts will help to stabilise the connection between the extension and the gate to make it more steady.

Packing: 1 piece / pack

b. Safety Gate U-Metal Stabiliser 

Bumble Bee Safety Gate U-Metal

If you need to install the safety gate at round surface like staircase, you may do so by using our U-Metal Stabilizer. This can enhance the stability and the strength of the gate installed. You may adjust the width of the “U-Shape” top to fit the rounded surface properly.

Suitable for Bumble Bee Baby Safety Gate

Packing : 1 piece / pack

These Bumble Bee Parts for Auto-Close Gate are recommended for this Bumble Bee Safety Gate Only.

Bumble Bee: Auto-Close Safety Gate & Extension

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

U-Metal, Stabiliser 15cm, Stabiliser 25cm

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