Baby pacifiers are a convenient and commonly used baby care product on the market, and there has been debate about whether they are suitable for your child. They are small nipple-like objects that can be stored safely in a child’s mouth for a long time and are named after a pacifier or teether. Although there may be downsides to using them, you should rely on baby pacifiers for your child for several reasons.
#10 helps you better control the baby’s habits
The pacifier is a disposable accessory that can better control the child’s habits. Sucking is an everyday activity, and children usually indulge in it naturally. If you give your child a pacifier in this situation, it will be easier to break the habit once the child grows up, because the Accessories can be thrown away. However, in the absence of a pacifier, the child may suck on the thumb or other fingers, which may be more challenging to stop.
#9 help premature babies suck
f you have just given birth to a premature baby who has not yet completed the pregnancy, the baby may not have fully developed his physical response. The sucking reflex is a trend that needs to develop gradually for breastfeeding, but it may not occur in premature babies. In this case, baby pacifiers can help the child develop this reflex ability, thereby helping to breastfeed. However, remember that this does not mean that the actual act of breastfeeding will be replaced. This activity has also been shown to have a positive effect on the digestive process of premature babies.
#8 is suitable for aeroplane trips
Changes in air pressure during a flight will affect the human body, and your baby is no exception. Sometimes, because this change causes pain and crying, the child’s ears will “pop.” In this case, the baby pacifier can be placed in the child’s mouth. Pacifier will help eliminate the pressure difference and reduce the chance of such “popping noise”. It can also be used as a distracting distraction when the child starts to become irritable and uncomfortable during the journey. You are of no avail, unable to help sitting on an aeroplane make others suffer because of interference.
#7 relieve pain
If your child has undergone medical procedures such as a lumbar puncture or even routine small-scale immunizations, baby pacifiers can be used to relieve your child’s pain. Although doctors are not sure exactly how this works, the truth is that this sucking activity makes babies feel relaxed and helps to perform medical activities with minimal disruption. Pacifier is especially true when using invasive medical techniques on your child.
#6 offers a distraction
If your baby has just received an injection or woke up uncomfortably from sleep, you can use a baby pacifier. Pacifiers will temporarily distract your child and divert their attention to soothing and relaxing activities for him or her. Pacifier is especially useful when children seem to be picky for fundamental reasons. There seems to be nothing to comfort them, especially in public places or places with social gatherings.
#5 Provide children with a sense of security
Baby pacifiers are shaped like women’s nipples, which also give children a sense of security. This is especially true when the mother is not always at home due to work or any other reason. It makes babies feel safe so that they can comfort themselves.
#4 Satisfy the baby’s sucking reflex
Babies are born with a tendency to suck objects. The mother’s nipples usually meet this requirement during breastfeeding, but it may not be the case. In this case, a baby pacifier can be used to help the child alleviate this tendency and relax him or her. However, please keep in mind that this is not a substitute for your child’s feeding, and every time your baby shows a tendency to suck, you put a pacifier in his or her mouth regardless of the possibility that he or she is hungry. However, if this trend is shown soon after a meal, a pacifier can be used. This is also very helpful for babies who cannot breastfeed for different reasons.
#3 Reduce the possibility of SIDS
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a syndrome in which babies who are usually younger than 1 year old are usually found dead suddenly while sleeping. So far, there is no explanation of why this phenomenon occurs. If the child uses a baby pacifier during sleep, it can be found that this syndrome is less likely to occur. Although it is not clear how it works, it is safe to say that the risk is reduced by about 50%.
#2 Help babies understand the need for self-relaxation
Because it has a calming effect on babies, it can encourage children to learn how to relax. This is especially useful for families where both parents are working, and you tend to ask others to look after your children. In the long run, this is very useful for babies to grow into someone who can calm themselves under unpleasant situations and does not rely on others to do so. A self-soothing baby also means that parents will be calmer and reduce their pressure.
#1 Soothing the child
Sucking seems to have a calming effect on the baby. When you put a baby in a bad mood, let the baby suck the pacifier, it can help them relax and settle down. The child felt soothed about what they were upset about and rested peacefully. It also helped the parents. Because of their instinct, children will have fun from sucking activities, which frees them from the cause of early stimulation.
All in all, it is not unreasonable that this product is called a baby pacifier. However, please ensure that you do not put the nipple into your child’s mouth whenever your child has any discomfort. There may be a legitimate reason that bothers them.
Well, pacifiers are good and also have some negative impact on some children. It is subjective to how you want to raise your child from our experiences talking to many parents and nanny over the years. It does help a lot taking care of babies with this item. But of course, you need to know when to help them to quit this habit. It usually is not recommended to use a pacifier after a child is more than 12 months.