It can be nerve-wracking as well as exciting to become pregnant. But what if you find out that you are pregnant with twins instead? Although it’s twice as fun, is it twice as hard?

You may have many questions if you are pregnant with twins. What will it feel like to be pregnant? How can I deal with two?

It is possible to wonder if home birth is possible or if water births are possible. Three experts will answer all your twin pregnancy questions.

Twin Pregnancy

How Can I Get Pregnant With Twins And How Do I Make It Happen?

Twins are more likely for women who have had fertility treatment like IVF. “However, it has become a standard practice in some countries to only transfer one embryo during IVF in recent years. This has resulted in a decrease in the number of IVF pregnancies which has led to twins. This is according to the Human Fertilization & Embryology Authority’s guidelines, to decrease the chances of having multiple pregnancies, which can be more dangerous for both mother and baby.

It can increase your chances of having twins in certain situations if you have multiple pregnancies. Twins, triplets, and more are more likely if there has been a history of multiple pregnancies in the maternal line. A father can also pass the gene on to his child. It will not affect one’s partner’s ability to have twins. But if you have twins, triplets, or fraternal twins, you are five times more likely than not to have multiples during your next pregnancy.

If you are pregnant with twins, one of your first concerns is whether or not you will have identical babies. Identical twins are found in around one-third of multiple pregnancies. They don’t inherit. The chance of having identical twins (monozygotic), is approximately 1 in 250.

They occur when an embryo splits in two shortly after fertilization, creating identical babies with identical genes, physical features, and sex. This is why identical twins share the same DNA. Personality and size depend on other genetic factors so babies could be different in terms of their personalities.

Non-identical twins can be created when two eggs are produced simultaneously by a woman and each egg is fertilized with different sperm. Non-identical twins can be called dizygotic (or fraternal) twins, as they were bred from different zygotes (fertilized eggs). The babies are not identical to any siblings or brothers. They can be either male or female, or they could be one of each.

What Are The Signs Of Twins During Early Pregnancy? And When Will You Be Able To Know For Sure?

A twin pregnancy can cause early symptoms like morning sickness, vomiting, fatigue, and constipation. There is a lot of overlap in symptoms between twin pregnancies. Therefore, it is impossible to determine if a woman has a singleton pregnancy or a twin pregnancy based solely on her pregnancy symptoms.

The only way to confirm if a mother has twins is to have an ultrasound scan in the early stages of pregnancy. The ultrasound scan can confirm the type of twin pregnancy, i.e., if it is identical or not (which medically is known as a monochorionic and dichorionic pregnancy). Monochorionic is when twins share the same placenta. Dichorionic is when each baby has its placenta.

A scan is the only way you can be certain that you are having twins or more. This news can be shocking. Some people are delighted! Some people are happy! Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Other parents have been through it before and have survived, as well as gone on to have a successful relationship with their children. Many experts assure you that it is possible. 

It might be helpful to request a photograph of the babies from the first ultrasound. This may make the situation seem more real. It can help to make practical plans. Some hospitals or non-profits organizations offer advice and support to expectant mothers and their partners during the first stages of pregnancy.

What Makes Twin Pregnancy Different?

Twin pregnancies can be quite different from singleton pregnancies. Twins are more likely to experience symptoms like morning sickness and tiredness than singletons.  Secondly, not all twins pregnancies will be the same. It is important to distinguish between them as there are 10-20 times more chances of complications in monochorionic pregnancies than in dichorionic. The level of monitoring that is required for each type of pregnancy is different. Women with a dichorionic pregnancy typically have six ultrasound scans to monitor their babies’ health. Monochorionic pregnancies usually require 12 ultrasound scans.

Do not be alarmed if you gain weight. Twin moms tend to gain more weight than those who have just one baby. It’s not just due to having two or three babies, but also because of the amniotic fluid and placenta(s). The advice for someone who is expecting one baby is the same as the advice for anyone else.

Twin pregnancy mothers also experience more symptoms in the later stages of their pregnancy. The most common symptoms are tiredness, breathlessness, and a larger bump. They also experience pelvic discomfort, constipation, and fatigue. They require close monitoring of labor and must be delivered on the medically-led labor unit rather than the midwifery-led birthing unit. The chance of having a cesarean is much higher than in singleton pregnancies. However, many twin pregnancies experience a normal vaginal delivery, but the care plan for each woman must be tailored based on her pregnancy findings.

Most twins and triplets develop normally in the womb. They are smaller than singleton babies and tend to be born earlier.

After a successful birth, the experience of caring for two babies is different from caring for one. Most mothers would benefit from the advice of their midwife, pregnancy support group, and online information. Although feeding twins can be more difficult logistically, there is plenty of information. You can also ask your doctor or contact a support group.

What Happens During The First Trimester Of Twins?

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most crucial. The ultrasound scan is used to confirm a twin pregnancy. It can be used to determine the exact date and show the existence of twins. If the scan is done before 11 weeks, the results should be repeated between 11-13 weeks to confirm the date and to estimate the due date. This will ensure that both fetuses are growing normally and rule out any major birth defects.

It’s also used to diagnose twin pregnancy and check for genetic defects like Down’s syndrome. This is often the most crucial objective. Because of the possibility of complications and the intensity of monitoring, and the outcome, it is important to know if the twins have a placenta. They can be monochorionic or dichorionic.

It is important to know what your care will look and feel like during pregnancy. Twins Trust offers a checklist for multiple pregnancies that outlines the type of care you should receive. You can also check here to find out if your hospital has a Twins Clinic.

Are Twins More At Risk?

Yes, twin pregnancy can pose increased risks. This should not be a concern. Almost all pregnancy complications are more common with twins. However, most babies and mothers will be healthy. Twins can pose a risk to a woman’s health if she gives birth before they reach their full term. Half of the twin pregnancies are delivered before 36 weeks, and between 5-10% and 32 percent before 32 weeks. It is important for pregnant women and their partners to be aware of the signs of labor so that they can get the advice fast if they are going into labor early.

Women with multiple pregnancies are at greater risk for pre-eclampsia. Especially if they are a slightly older mom, having had pre-eclampsia in the past, or have a higher body mass. Doctors usually recommend a low daily aspirin dose to prevent pre-eclampsia.

Anemia is also more common in multiple pregnant mothers. Pregnant women should continue to eat iron-rich foods and have regular blood tests to prevent anemia.

There is more risk if you are pregnant with monochorionic Twins because there is an increased risk of complications from the shared placenta. This can cause twin-to-twin Transfusion Syndrome and selective growth restriction, which could lead to serious complications.

Although this may sound alarming, it is actually a good time to have a baby. Thanks to medical advances, we now have technology that allows us more accurately to identify potential risks and take appropriate action. This increases the chances of safe pregnancy and labor, which results in happy, healthy children

You should not be concerned about the potential risks of having triplets or identical twins with a placenta. It is important to remember that every year, thousands of twins are being born. The majority of families will provide good care and the bundles of joy will be healthy and happy.

It’s important to be aware that multiple-mom mothers have an increased risk of developing postnatal depression after giving birth. Do not be ashamed to tell your doctor, midwife, or other health professionals if you feel you are struggling. They won’t judge and will be able to help you.

What Baby Items Do I Need To Purchase For Twins?

Practically, twins will require two or more of the same items. The newborn baby essentials list is a great place to start. However, you may not need all of the items on it. It doesn’t mean you have to buy every item new. You can find items that parents are selling on Facebook and in local parenting forums.

Make sure to stock up on baby nappies, wipes, and sleepsuits. There are some pieces of equipment you’ll absolutely need more than one of a car seat, a nursing pillow, and a baby rocker. These can be used to help you get the baby out of bed while you’re taking care of the other. High chairs are also useful for babies who are being weaned. If you plan on bottle-feeding, you may need a breast pump.

Car seats can be expensive and you shouldn’t cut corners. Buy new. If you have to choose between secondhand or brand-new car seats, make sure you are buying from someone you can trust. You may notice signs of wear or damage to old car seats, or those that have been in an incident. They might not meet modern safety standards.

Also, cots are something you should consider. It might be easier to get your twins to sleep in two Moses baskets, which you can easily move from one room to the next. A cot bed is a better option if you want to get your twins to sleep in one. They are slightly larger so they should be able to fit both of them for a while. This is known as co-bedding and it is completely safe. A travel cot is useful if you plan to spend the night with your babies. A travel cot is large enough to accommodate two babies in the first year.

You will have to decide what kind of pram you want when you are shopping for prams. You can decide if you would rather get a pram and then upgrade to a pushchair or if you prefer to buy a pushchair right away. Do you prefer your babies to be side by side or behind each other? Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Twin pushchairs that are side-by-side can be slightly more expensive. Many are safe for twins from birth. However, they can also be used to transport them around as toddlers. They can be awkward for some mothers. They can be difficult to carry up and down steps and in narrow doors because of their width.

Although they eliminate narrow doors, one behind the other pushchairs can be more expensive. It’s important to ensure that the pushchair is suitable for your child from birth. The back seat is designed for older children, while the front seat is for newborns. The downside is that your twins might argue about which seat to use as they age.


You shall not worry so much when you are pregnant with twins. Get advice from doctors and seek help from families, friends, midwives, NGOs, or any bodies that you can get advice and help to help you go through the twin pregnancy. Healthy mom, healthy twins.

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